Nordic Food in Future Tourism – Final report
Here is the final report for the project on Nordic Food in Tourism
NordicFoodInFutureTourism_Final Report
Under the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of
Ministers in 2019 the priority was set on youth, sustainable
tourism, and the marine environment. This 3-year project
is a contribution to sustainable tourism.
The project aims to understand the perception of Nordic
food, highlight the importance of local food in sustainable
tourism, and gain insight into how climate change and
trends can shape our future of food in tourism.
The objective is to raise awareness of future challenges
and opportunities related to food in tourism and provide
strategic guidelines that support future actions and
Our vision is that visiting the Nordics should be about
experiencing a place where people and the planet prosper
in sustainable harmony and economic growth. Where
eating and traveling in harmony with nature and local
culture is a desirable lifestyle. Our contribution is not
about the competitive advantage but about our drive for
a sustainable future.